
Daniel Botelho's fishes

 D.Botelho among the fish

Daniel Botelho
Daniel Botelho

Multiple award-winning photojournalism, specializing in underwater photography, grew up in Rio de Janeiro, Daniel is related to nature since childhood. Today Botelho worked in more than twenty countries. He is one of the most prominent defenders of whales and sharks, which unfortunately continue to kill by unsustainable practices that would lead to the extinction of these animals if they were not people like Daniel Botelho.
 I definitely will not get just one post to draw due attention to someone like Daniel Botelho, nor will I get to show his most beautiful pictures .. However, I hardly get five .. To begin, however, with a photo of Daniel Botelho which caught just below the waves of the ocean, strange but beautiful animal sunfish, incredible picture that blew users Facebook ..
 In fact, this fish is the heaviest bony fish in the world, and is also probably the most fruitful vertebrate in mind that a female can lay up to 300 million eggs. It also turns out that they are the biggest consumers of jellyfish. Аnd this is another reason for people to worship them ...

D.Botelho Sunfish


Mola mola




D.Botelho Sailfish

Botelho Sailfish

underwater photography